Raised in Taiwan, Michael Lin (b. 1964 Tokyo) lives between Brussels, Shanghai and Taipei. Lin creates paintings and site-specific installations that appropriate images and products from the regional cultures and histories, and reflects upon the quotidian reality shaped by today’s cultures and policies.
Michael Lin has been exhibited in many international museum shows and biennales, for instance, “The Spectacle of the Everyday” (Biennale de Lyon, France, 2009), “Super Fengshui” (Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, 2008), Moscow Biennial of Contemporary Art (Moscow, 2007), “Notre Histoire” (Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 2006), “Spring 2003″ (Palais de Tokyo, Site de Creation Contemporaine, Paris, 2003), “Bibliotherapy” (with Remy Markowitsch, Kuntsmuseum, Lucerne, 2003), “International:Liverpool Biennial” (Liverpool, 2002), “The Gravity of the Immaterial” (Total Museum, Seoul, 2002), 7th Istanbul Biennal (Istanbul, 2002), “The Gravity of the Immaterial” (Institute of Contemporary Art, Taipei, 2001), 49th Biennial of Venice, Taiwan Pavilion (Venice, 2001), and “The Sky is the Limit” (Taipei Biennial, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2000).
His recent solo exhibitions include “A Tale of Today” (Leo Xu Projects, Shanghai, China, 2016), “Locomotion” (Museum of Contemporary Art and Design, Manila, Philippines, 2016), “Testimony of food” (Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016), “Michael Lin” (High Museum, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2015), “Clockwise” (SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah, Georgia, USA, 2015), “Model Home: A Proposition by Michael Lin” (Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, 2012), “Michael Lin: A Modest Veil” (Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, 2010), “Michael Lin” (Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, 2005), among many others.
Download the complete artist biography.

MICHAEL LIN, "Untitled", emulsion and gold leaf on wall, Shanghai, china – Leo Xu Projects, a tale of today

MICHAEL LIN, "Forever (for sale)", a set of 9 forever bicycles - single bike approximately 114 x 172 x 290 cm, installation dimension variable, Shanghai, China – Leo Xu Projects, a tale of today

MICHAEL LIN, "Utah sky 2065-40 (blue curve)", emulsion on wood - 1500 x 1500 cm, Radius, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, High Museum of Art, Solo Exhibition

MICHAEL LIN, "Untitled (clockwise)', emulsion on wall and floor - 2,245 x 460 cm and 2245 x 442 cm, Savannah, Georgia, USA, Savannah College of Art and Design Museum of Art Clockwise

MICHAEL LIN, "Model home in collaboration with atelier bow wow - dark red, video installation by cheng ran", emulsion on the facade, steel, wood, insulation board, video installation 930 x 240 x 530 cm, London, England – Frieze Leo Xu Project

MICHAEL LIN, "Smashed", vynil on glass, dimensions variable, Shanghai, China – Aurora Museum, the making of a museum

MICHAEL LIN, "Point", acrylic laquer, wood, aluminum, led - 800 cm circumference, Hong Kong, China, Art Basel, Eslite Gallery

MICHAEL LIN, "After chandigarh (architecture or revolution)", acrylic on canvas, wool - 479 x 800 cm, Beijing, China, Ullens center for contemporary art, m home: living in space

MICHAEL LIN, "Untitled - collection of guy & myriam ullens foundation", emulsion on wall and on wood - 2,671 x 977 cm and 2,962 x 1,280 cm, Beijing, China, Ullens center for contemporary art, super fengshui

MICHAEL LIN, "Untitled", gathering emulsion on wood - dimensions variable 452 x 446 x 28 cm (320 stools) 22 x 28 x 28 cm each stool, Taichung, Taiwan – National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, home

MICHAEL LIN, "What a difference a day made", installation view, the entire contents of the xin wang daily goods store on May 3, 2008, wooden crates - dimensions variable, Shanghai, China – The Shanghai Gallery of Art, what a difference a day made

MICHAEL LIN, "Untitled", emulsion on wall - 2,500 x 2,500 cm, Almere, Netherlands – Kunstlinie Public Commission

MICHAEL LIN, "Untitled", acrylic on canvas - 700 x 3,200 cm, Paris, France, Palais de tokyo site de création contemporaine, notre histoire

MICHAEL LIN, "Untitled", emulsion on asphalt - 1,097 x 2,383 cm, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, The Contemporary Museum, o2 art 2

MICHAEL LIN, "Quai rambaud", 2005, emulsion on wood - 1,230 x 6,800 cm, Lyon, France, Lyon Biennial, experience de la durée

MICHAEL LIN, "Untitled", emulsion on wood - 3,010 x 3,612 cm, Berlin, Germany – Haus der kulturen der welt, about beauty

MICHAEL LIN, "Untitled", emulsion on wood - 3,010 x 3,612 cm, Berlin, Germany – Haus der kulturen der welt, about beauty

MICHAEL LIN, "Untitled", emulsion on wood - 3,010 x 3,612 cm, Berlin, Germany – Haus der kulturen der welt, about beauty

MICHAEL LIN, "People's gallery", 2005, collection of the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, emulsion on wood, 15 hand-painted chairs (in collaboration with SANAA) - 2,700 x 400 cm, Kanazawa, Japan – 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, polyphony

MICHAEL LIN, "Grind", emulsion on wood - 650 x 1,800 cm, Long Island City, New York, USA, PS1 Contemporary Art Center, Solo Exhibition

MICHAEL LIN, "Gallery 5 wall", qag, 2002, emulsion on wood - 1,600 x 1,840 cm, Brisbane, Australia, Queensland Art Gallery Asia-pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

MICHAEL LIN, "Palais de Tokyo", 2002, public commission emulsion on wood - 2,800 x 900, Cmparis, France – palais de tokyo site de creation contemporaine, inauguration exhibition

MICHAEL LIN, "Atrium stadhuis den haag", 2002, public commission emulsion on wood - 5,000 x 2,500, Cmthe Hague, Netherlands – city hall stroom

MICHAEL LIN, "Kiasma Day Bed Pillows", 2001, emulsion on wood - 360 x 360 x 45 cm, Helsinki, Finland – Kiasma Museum, ars 01

MICHAEL LIN, "Prigioni", 2001, emulsion on wood - 1,345 x 735 x 40 cm, Venice, Italy – 49th venice biennial taiwan pavilion

MICHAEL LIN, "Bijoke Museum, guild room", 2001-2002, emulsion on wood - 840 x 430, Cmghent, Belgium – Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst Ghent, casino

MICHAEL LIN, "ICA Taipei", 2001, emulsion on wall - 1,400 x 400 cm, Taipei, Taiwan, Institute of contemporary art, the gravity of the immaterial
“New Paradise, Eslite Gallery”(solo), Taipei, Taiwan
“A tale of today” (solo), Leo Xu Projects, Shanghai, China, 2016
“Locomotion” (solo), Museum of Contemporary Art and Design, Manila, Philippines, 2016
“Testimony of food” (solo), Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016
“Trans – Design”, West Bund Art Center, Shanghai, China,2016
“Michael Lin” (solo), High Museum, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2015
“Clockwise” (solo), Savannah College of Art and Design Museum of Art, Savannah, Georgia, USA, 2015
“The Making of a Museum”, Aurora Museum, Shanghai, China, 2014
“Silence: the 1990s”, Balice Hertling Gallery, Paris, France [exhibition page]
Art Asia Pacific, “Locomotion”, reviews by Matlyne Sahakian, May & June, 2016 [download pdf]
Artforum, “Michael Lin”, by Cristina Sanchez-Kozyreva, April, 2016 [download pdf]
Modern Weekly, “Streets for the People”, by Michael Lin, translated by Wang Xiaoxian, Issue 902, April, 2016 [download pdf]
Leap, “Michael Lin:A Tale of Today”, by Leo Xu Projects, translated by Jeff Crosby, March & April, 2016 [download pdf]
Ideat, “Michael Lin’s Flower”, by Yao Yao, Issue 1, April, 2015 [download pdf]
Chinese Contemporary Art News, “Art Basel Hong Kong – Perfect Combination of Art and Commerce”, by Zheng Wei, Issue 113, June, 2014 [download pdf]
AD, “New China Quality”, May, 2014 [download pdf]
Artforum, “Pauline J. Yao 2013 Review”, by Pauline J. Yao, December, 2013 [download pdf]
Artforum, “5th Auckland Triennial”, by Jens Hoffmann, December, 2013 [download pdf]
Numéro, “Michael Lin: Homing In”, by Alla, March, 2013 [download pdf]
Modern Weekly, “Michael Lin: Environment Impacts Inspiration”, by Liu Jiaying, March, 2012 [download pdf]
Interviewed by Tom Chen, at Michael Lin’s studio. blouinartinfo.com, February 2013.
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